Tuesday, 8 August 2017

Kartika Nur Rakhman, Head of KAMMI 2015-2017

Kartika Nur Rakhman is the current Head of KAMMI. His active period is from 2015 to 2017.

Kartika Nur Rakhman SP

Education: Gajah Mada University
High School: SMA 8 Yogyakarta
He got married to Reza Azhari on 24 December 2011.

Thursday, 6 October 2011

Islamic Worldview 5

Sifat-sifat Tuhan seperti yang diwahyukan dalam Islam diturunkan dari wahyu. Kita tidak mengartikan Wahyu sebagai penampakan yang tiba-tiba dari seorang sastrawan besar dan seniman yang mengakui diri mereka sendiri; bukan pula inspirasi dari seorang sufi dari penulis-penulis naskah-naskah suci; bukan pula bisikan bawah sadar dari para dukun dan orang-orang yang mempunyai pemahaman lebih.
Islamic Caliphate

Friday, 19 August 2011

Fiqh I'tikaf

By Language (Lughah):
- الملازم - follow, accompany, familiarize, honor (See Imam ash Syaukani, Fathul Qadir, 1 / 244. Mawqi 'Ruh al-Islam)
يقال عكف على الشيء: إذا لازمه
                It says, 'akafa' ala Ash Syai '(He settled on something), meaning he was always with him. (Ibid)
Shaykh Sayyid Sabiq rahimahullah says:
الاعتكاف لزوم الشئ وحبس النفس عليه, خيرا كان أم شرا
I'tikaf is to honor something and shut down, in terms of good or bad. (Fiqhus Sunnah, 1 / 475)
In term (Personality '):
 والاعتكاف في الشرع: ملازمة طاعة مخصوصة على شرط مخصوص
In Personality ': settled in order to adhere specifically to the special requirements as well. (Fathl Qadir, 1 / 245)
Shaykh Sayyid Sabiq rahimahullah says:
والمقصود به هنا لزوم المسجد والاقامة فيه بنية التقرب إلى الله عزوجل.
What is meant here is I'tikaf fulfill prayers in mosques and enforce it with the intention of drawing nearer to Allah 'Azza wa Jalla. (Fiqhus Sunnah, 1 / 475)

Legal Basis
- Koran

ولا تباشروهن وأنتم عاكفون في المساجد
Do not you interfere with them (wife), while you're I'tikaf at the mosque. (Surat al-Baqara: 187)
- As Sunnah

Of 'Aisha radiallahu' anha:

أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم كان يعتكف العشر الأواخر من رمضان حتى توفاه الله ثم اعتكف أزواجه من بعده

That the Prophet sallallaahu 'Alaihi wa Sallam retreat in the last 10 days of Ramadan till he diwafatka God, then his wives were I'tikaf after that. (Narrated by Bukhari, No. 2026, No. Muslims. 1171, Abu Daud No. 2462. Ahmad No. 24 613, and others)

From Abu Hurayrah, he said:
كان النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم يعتكف في كل رمضان عشرة أيام فلما كان العام الذي قبض فيه اعتكف عشرين يوما
Formerly the Prophet sallallaahu 'Alaihi wa Sallam I'tikaf in every 10 days of Ramadan, when in the year he died, he I'tikaf 20 days. (Narrated by Bukhari No. 694, No. Ahmad. 8662, Ibn Hibban No. 2228, Al Baghawi No. 839, Abu Ya'la No. 5843, Abu Nu'aim in Akhbar Ashbahan, 2 / 53)

Momentum Broadening Understanding of Religion

KH Mas Mansyur never gave us a good advice: "Let the religious schools of the actual (pure) were spread as wide as possible, tested and compared, so that we understand and ensure that Islam is the most correct, lightweight and useful, to feel good precedence of religious practice it ".
the momentum

Advice is then determined to be one of the 12 Steps of Muhammadiyah. Meaning, the Islamic religion does not bind to understand the followers-followers to simply understand the problem in a single religion, both in terms of worship and muamalah duniawiyah. There are various hadith and a variety of approaches in deciding

Wednesday, 17 August 2011

atone for her husband who had died

Assalamu'alikum wr. wb

Ustad sigit blessed God.

I am a new wife left the husband has not reached 40 days, a period of 35 years of our marriage.
I feel a lot of sins against my husband in his lifetime. because I feel not take care of him properly, had not apologized at times last, can not be a good wife for him.

What if I am wrong I always remember the good things during his life, and it made me feel even more guilty, if it does not incriminate him in the grave?

What can I do to atone for this guilt, and practice what can I give to him, to atone for my sins against him.

Syukron katsiron.

Wassalamu'alaikum wr, wb.

Ruswarni. Sumenep, Madura


Our Mission: dakwah-2

In addition, Muslims should know that the burden of this mission can only be borne by those who understand and are willing to give him anything he later claimed by him; good time, health, property, and even blood.
"Say, 'If your fathers, children, brothers, wives, extended family, a treasure that you have acquired, commerce you fear loss, dwellings you love, dearer to you than Allah and His Messenger Him and (of) jihad in His way, then wait until Allah brings about His adzab. Verily Allah does not guide the yang dzalim Kaun. "
(At-Tauba: 24)
This propaganda does not recognize dual attitude. He knows only one attitude totality. Who are willing for it, then he must live with the propaganda and proselytizing were fused in him. Conversely, anyone who is weak in carrying this burden, he was blocked from a large reward mujahid and left with the people sitting around. Then Allah. will replace them with other generations and better able to bear the burden of this dalwah.
Allah swt. said about them, 
"... That being lenient with the believers, mighty against the unbelievers, who strive in the path of Allah, and who is not afraid to censure those who like to denounce. That's the gift of God that he gave to whom." (Al-Maidah: 54)

We invite people to an ideology. Ideology clear, definitive, and axiomatic. An ideology that they all had known him, believe him, and believed in its truth. They also know that that ideology is the path to liberation, happiness, and tranquility in this life. An ideology that has been proven by experience and history will be witnessed by immortality and kelailannya in arranging and welfare of human life.

Basically, both we and the people we both have faith and believe in the ideology. What differentiates us from them is that faith in themselves were sound asleep, and therefore do not have a strong driving force that can make them want to carry out all the consequences of such faith. But on the contrary, that faith was so strong, full of elan vital, and constantly surged in the soul of the Muslim Brotherhood.
There is a strange psychological symptoms among Eastern people-people feel a lot and also we feel-that we often describe our beliefs against an ideology to others, with an expression that sometimes makes them believe that with the belief that we are able to destroy the mountain, sailed the seas, and across the entire distress against us, until it wins with our ideology and we win with him.
But when the surge of rhetoric began to recede, suddenly all of us forget and negligent in that ideology. No one is thinking how to realize the ideology of jihad and defend it, even with jihad as weak-weak though. Consciously or unconsciously, inadvertence and negligence were sometimes even encouraged some of us to take action against that ideology. On many occasions we are often created confusion carried over, see a thinker or a humanist, which one day he's being an atheist and then suddenly he could become a very religious.
This inadvertence, forgetfulness, unconsciousness, fragility and keterlelapan long-or whatever the appropriate designation that encourages us to revive the 'ideology' is.
Although the actual people we loved it-have long believed and believe in it.
I want to go back to the beginning of the conversation. I want to say that the propaganda of the Muslim Brotherhood is an appeal to an ideology. Now, in the West and East, we witnessed the storm from a variety of ideologies, isms, and the school of thought that raced each other to influence the thoughts and feelings of the audience. With a variety of promotions and yells, although sometimes it seems tacky and over-expose-isms they believed such a package that makes it look attractive and full of charm.

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Qaradawi Fatwa: Zakat To Build Mosque

As for distributing alms to the mosque so that it can be used to glorify the name of God, dhikr to Him, upholding the symbols-symbols of Him, pray, and deliver lessons and advice, this includes the disputed scholars past and present .

Is that so it can be considered as "fi sabilillah" that includes one of the eight targets as dinashkan charity in Al-Karim in the letter quranul At-Tauba:

"Indeed it is only zakat-alms to poor people, poor people, caretaker-administrator of zakat, the Muslim convert who persuaded his heart, to (freeing) of slaves, those who owe, for the path of Allah, and those who is on the way, as a mandatory provision of God, and Allah is Knower, Wise. " (Surat At-Tauba: 60)

Or the word "sabilillah that means limited to the" jihad "Just as understood by jumhur? I have explained this problem in detail in my book Fiqh Az-Zakah, and here I am describing is not the problem anymore.