Assalamu'alikum wr. wb
Ustad sigit blessed God.
I am a new wife left the husband has not reached 40 days, a period of 35 years of our marriage. I feel a lot of sins against my husband in his lifetime. because I feel not take care of him properly, had not apologized at times last, can not be a good wife for him.
What if I am wrong I always remember the good things during his life, and it made me feel even more guilty, if it does not incriminate him in the grave?
What can I do to atone for this guilt, and practice what can I give to him, to atone for my sins against him.
Syukron katsiron.
Wassalamu'alaikum wr, wb.
Ruswarni. Sumenep, Madura
Ustad sigit blessed God.
I am a new wife left the husband has not reached 40 days, a period of 35 years of our marriage. I feel a lot of sins against my husband in his lifetime. because I feel not take care of him properly, had not apologized at times last, can not be a good wife for him.
What if I am wrong I always remember the good things during his life, and it made me feel even more guilty, if it does not incriminate him in the grave?
What can I do to atone for this guilt, and practice what can I give to him, to atone for my sins against him.
Syukron katsiron.
Wassalamu'alaikum wr, wb.
Ruswarni. Sumenep, Madura
Waalaikumussalam Wr Wb
Ruswarni brothers who glorified Allah
May Allah enter your husband into the people who get His mercy and His Paradise occupy and give patience and fortitude to you and your family.
All that happened and walk in nature is the will and his statutes, no one could deter him. While humans are required to mengimaninya as the demands of his faith to Allah swt. Faith is not the slightest waver just because something happened to her is an inconvenience. Because a believer will always believe that whatever happened to him either pleasure or pain is good for him.
Imam Ahmad narrates from Shuhaib he said: Messenger of Allah sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam said: "I was amazed to be the case of a believer. In fact the whole case a believer it is good for him, and the circumstances did not exist in anyone except the believer. If he have easy , then he is grateful, and it is good for him. And if he is crushed by the narrowness, then he will be patient, and it is also good for him. "
Including what you experienced with the death of your husband then Believe that there is goodness in it for himself, you and perhaps others as long as you willingly accept it.
But if you still have an error against which until death do not get forgiveness from him the opportunity to apologize has ended with his passing. It's based on what is narrated from Imam Bukhari from Abu Hurairah said: Messenger of Allah sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam said: "Who ever transgress (wrongdoers) to honor his brother or anything he should ask for halal status (sorry) on this day (the world) before the coming days when it's not useful dinar and dirham. If he does not do, then (later in the day qiyamat) if he has good deeds will be taken from him as much as kezholimannya. If he has no good anymore so bad that his brother would be taken dizholiminya ago upon him "
For further demanded of you is repent to Allah, beg pardon for him, pray for him so that he entered into heaven and avoid hell of him, given the variety of his kindness, fulfilling amanahnya-including children-and the rope connecting the friendship with the family and relatives. Hopefully with your sincerity in implementing the above matters can be advocates for your husband to memafkan your mistakes against him later in the hereafter if it has not dimaafkannya when in the world.
And Allaah knows best
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