Saturday, 13 August 2011


Moving on from here, actually a lot of your obligations, you are a big responsibility, compounded the rights of the people you have to exert, and the heavier the mandate terpikul on your shoulders. You have to think long, many charitable, wise in determining the attitude, advanced to become the savior, and you should be able to fulfill the rights of these people perfectly. 
There among the youth who grew up in a situation of a cold and quiet, where the government has been firmly entrenched power and wealth has been felt by its citizens. So the young man who grew up in the atmosphere is more focused activities to himself than to his people. So he tends to fool around and berhura-rah because meresa calm his soul and his heart relieved. 
There is also the nation's youth to grow in an atmosphere of harsh and turbulent, in which the nation was being overrun by his opponent and in all affairs enslaved by his enemies. The nation struggled all he could to restore the rights taken, occupied homeland, and freedom, the glory, great sarta values
​​are missing. It was then that the fundamental obligation for the youth who grew up in a situation like this is doing to his people more than doing for themselves. If he did it, he will be lucky to get good quickly on the field of victory and the goodness-of-pending form of reward from Allah. 

Perhaps, merupakkan a fortune for us that we include a second group of young men (who grew up in tough situations and turbulent). Therefore, both our eyes were opened in the presence of a people who continue to strive and fight for the rights and freedoms. Get ready, O leaders! Really, what a close victory for the believers and how the amount of luck for the activists who do not hanti struggling. 
O youth! 
Probably quite a dangerous threat to the nation that will rise up, and we are now at the dawn of resurrection is the emergence of various isms, the number of appeals, the colors manhaj, the difference in setting the strategy and means of struggle, and not least the ambition to become leader and rulers. Starting from here, then the comparative study of isms become very important for anyone who wants improvement. 
From here also, so my duty is to explain to you with a concise and clear message of Islam in the fourteenth century Hijri. 

Muslim Brotherhood propaganda, propaganda FOURTEEN CENTURY AH 

O youth! 
We believe with the faith that does not need to be debated and there is no doubt in it. We also have been convinced by a belief that is more resilient than mountains and deeper than the secrets - secrets that exist in your mind, that there is no right fikrah except one. He is fikrah that could save the world from oppression, memimbing man hesitated and showed it to the straight path.Therefore, it seems only appropriate here fikrah to sacrifice the lives and property, with a cheap or expensive, for the declaration and the spread of truth, and bring people into the shade. Fikrah it is Islam that Hanif, no defect in it, there is no hint of stain blanket, and will not be lost for those who follow it. 
God declares that there is no God but He, who uphold justice. The angels and the people of knowledge (also stating such). There is no god but He, the Almighty, the Wise. "(Ali-Imran: 18) 

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