Sunday, 14 August 2011

Message of JIHAD 3

Then God explained the bad attitude of those cowards who do not strive in the way of Allah and do not get the glory of jihad in his path for ever.
"The people who left (not present) was delighted with their stay behind the Messenger of Allah, and they do not like to fight jihad with their wealth and their souls in the way of Allah and said, 'Do not go to war in the heat." Say,' Fire blasted hotter '. if only they knew. So hendakah themselves laughing and crying a lot, as a reward for what they were doing. So if God is to return you to a group of them, then they asked for permission to you to go to war, then say, 'you must not come out with me forever and can not fight the enemy with me. Ye have been willing to not fight in the first stage because of it, sit down with people who are noncombatants. " (At-Tauba: 81-83)
Then Allah describes the attitude of the Mujahideen under the leadership of the Prophet. And the explanation that these are sacred duties and the way his companions, through His Word,
"However, the Prophet and the believers who strive with him with their wealth and their souls good and they're the lucky ones. God has provided for them there is a paradise beneath which rivers flow, to dwell therein. That is the large. " (At-Tauba: 88-89)
Then "selling" completely, that does not tolerate more excuses from people who like reason,
"Verily Allah has purchased of the believers, themselves and their property by providing haven for them. They fight in Allah, then they kill or be killed. (Has become) the true promise of God in the Torah, the Gospel, and Al-Quran. And who better to keep her promise but God? then rejoice in the bargain which ye have done it, and that's a great victory. " (At-Tauba: 111)

7. Letter qital (war), and imagine how a letter in the Qur'an-entirely-called letter qital. As they say that the foundation of army life is two things: rules and obedience. Allah has brought this foundation in two paragraphs, about "obedience" contained in the following verse,
"And those who believe say, 'Why is not lowered a letter?" So if the letters revealed a clear meaning and is mentioned in it (command) war, you see people who have the disease in his heart looked to you like a view of people who fainted due to fear of death, and woe to them. Obedient and pronounce words better (is better for them). If the war had been fixed orders (they do not like). But if only they are right (faith) in God, so surely it's better for them. " (Muhammad: 20-21)
As for "rules", Allah Almighty. Says in the letter Ash-Shaf,
"Truly Allah loves those who fight in His way in the regular line as if they are structured like a building firm." (Ash-Shaf: 4)
8. Al-Fath (victory), which contained her story of the battle the Prophet. This verse also shows one of the brave stance in the jihad under the blessed tree, the tree where bai'at death (death pledge) given by the friends. With a calmness that was born as well as victory. That is in the following verse,
"Allah has the pleasure of the Believers when they swore allegiance to you under the tree, then God knows what is in their hearts and He sent down tranquility upon them and rewarded them with a near victory (his time), as well as the spoils much they could take. Allah is Mighty, Wise. " (Al-Fath: 18-19)
Here O my brother, a few things that can be spoken in connection with the jihad; explanation of its primacy, an invitation to him, and good news for the culprit with the sort of thing, then ponder, surely you will be amazed how the Muslims today are woefully ignorant of the great reward promised God is.
Here are excerpts several hadith about this:

1. From Abu Hurairah ra, say I heard the Messenger of Allah said,
"For me there is substance in the hands of Him. If not for some people from among the believers, poor mental and did not join the jihad with me and then I find no way to shove, I would not miss from any war in the way of Allah. For substances and she had me there, I really want to get killed in Allah's way and then live again, then killed and revived, then killed and revived, then killed. " (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim)
2. From Abu Hurairah ra., True Prophet. Said,
"For me there ditanga Essence is His, not a person is injured in the way of Allah, Allah knows best who is wounded in Allah's worth-but he came on the Day of Resurrection; color (wound) blood its red color, but the smell the smell of musk."
3. From Anas. Said, "My uncle Anas bin Nadhar not present at the battle of Badr and said, 'O Messenger of Allah, I was absent at the first battle of fighting the idolaters. What if God was pleased to menyahidkanku when fighting the idolaters, Allah will see what I are doing. " When the battle of Uhud place and haunted by the defeat of the Muslims, he said, "O God, you're sorry can not do as they (the friends the other) and I separated myself from what they do (the Pagans)." Immediately go forth he then encountered by Sa'd bin Mu'adh. Anas said, "O Sa'ad, I wanted to heaven and God Nadzar. I really smell it on the mountain of Uhud. "Sa'ad said (to Allah), 'O Messenger of Allah, I could not do as he did' Said Anas ibn Malik, 'We get on him (Anas bin Nadhar) eighty so stroke of a sword wound, or throw spears or arrows pierced. We got it killed and chopped by the idolaters. Not one person who recognized him except his sister through her fingertips. " Anas said, 'We saw, or thought, that this verse was revealed related to it, or people who semisalnya (ie paragraph),
"Some of the believers there are those that prove what they promised to God ..." (Narrated by Bukhari)
4. Umm bint Harithah Suraqah, he came to the Prophet. And said, "O Prophet of Allah, do not you tell me about Harithah (his son who died from a stray hit by an arrow before the battle of Badr)? If he is in heaven, I have waited. But otherwise, I will lament with tears." Prophet. Replied, "O Umm Harithah, there are many parks in heaven. Your children get the highest garden of Eden." (Narrated by Bukhari)
Look, brother, how Heaven has made one forget the grief and lara, and replace it with patience.
5. From Abdullah ibn Abu Aufa ra., Verily the Messenger of Allah. Said,
"Know that Paradise is under the flash of a sword." (Narrated by Bukhari, Muslim and Abu Dawud)
6. From Zaid bin Khalid Al-Jahniy ra., True Prophet. said,
"Whoever set up vehicles of war in the way of God means that he has fought, and whoever left the war but replace them with kindness means he has fought.: (Narrated by Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawud, and Tirmidhi)
the words "go to war" means: get the reward of war.
7. From Abu Hurairah ra. Said: Messenger of Allah said,
"Whoever quarantine war horse for Jihad in Allah's way, then the full and feces (ie every effort to mengenyangkannya and effort to clean up droppings, important life) will be offset by Allah on the Day of Resurrection." (Narrated by Bukhari)
8. From Abu Hurairah ra., Asked, O Messenger of Allah, charity match what the reward of jihad in Allah's way? "He replied," You can not do it. "Diulangilah So the question twice or three times. Any questions were answered," You do not able to do so. "Then he said,
"Mujahid in Allah's way is like the fasting person, who made his prayers, and who read the Qur'an, which he did not quit fasting and prayer, so that the mujahid home from the battlefield." (Narrated by Bukhari, Muslim, Nasa'i, Ibn Majjah, and Tirmidhi)
9. From Abu Sa'eed al-Khudri ra, the Prophet said.,
"Will not you tell me the best of the bad and the ugly people? Indeed, the best of people is one who works in the way of God by riding horses, camels, or walk up to pick her death. As for the ugly, ugly people are people who read the Book of Allah without perceive it at all. " (Narrated by Nasa'i)
10. From Ibn Abbas ra. Said, I heard the Messenger of Allah. Said,
"Two eyes are not touched by the fire of hell; eyes that cry out of fear of God and the eyes are awake in the way of Allah." (Narrated by Tirmidhi)
11. From Abu Umairah ra. Said, said the Prophet.,
"Killed in Allah's way more to my liking than I have (relative) city people and village people." (Narrated by Nasa'i)
12. From Rashid bin Sa'ad ra. From one of his best friends that someone said, "O Messenger of Allah, why do believers receive the exam in his grave except those who were martyred?" Prophet. Said,
"It is enough that pass in a flash of a sword above his head as a test." (Narrated by Nasa'i)
13. From Abu Hurairah ra., True Prophet. Said,
"Someone who does not touch the martyr's death except like one of you get bitten (small animals, important life)." (Narrated by Tirmidhi, Nasa'i, and Darami. Tirmidhi said that it ghareeb hasan hadeeth)
This other feature of a martyr.
14. From Ibn Mas'ud ra. Said, said the Prophet.,
"Lord we are amazed to someone who is fighting in Allah and his troops defeated. He understood what had happened to him, then he returned to the battlefield sehungga dripping blood. Allah. He will say to the angel, 'Behold my servant. He returned to the field for wanting what (reward) that is upon me and fear of what (wrath) that is upon me, till his blood meneteslah. I swear before you that I have forgiven him. " (Narrated by Abu Dawood)
15. From Abdul Khair ibn Thabit bin Qais bin Syammas, from his father, from his grandfather, he said, "A woman called Umm Khallad, in a state of veiled, came to the Prophet. And asked about his son who was killed in Allah's way. And he said his friends to him, 'You have come to ask about your child, but you shut your face. " He said, 'If my son is gone, my shame is not lost. " Prophet. Said to him, 'Truly, your son get a reward of two people who were martyred. " He asked, 'Why? " He replied, 'because he was killed by the people of the Book. " (Narrated by Abu Daud)
This hadith indicates the necessity to fight People of the Book. And Allah swt. Doubled the reward of those who fought against them. Jihad is prescribed not to fight the polytheists alone, but also everyone who does not embrace Islam.
16. From Sahl ibn Hunaif ra., Messenger of Allah. Said,
"Whoever asks Allah Shahadah (martyrdom) with a sincere heart, God will deliver it in the position of the martyrs', although he died in his bed." (Narrated by Abu Dawood, Tirmidhi, Nasa'i, and Ibn Majah)
17. From Khuraim bin Fatigue said, the Messenger of Allah. Said,
"Whoever spends infaqnya in the way of Allah it will be noted for her seven-hundred-fold." (Narrated by At-Tarmidzi and he menghasankannya, the same hadith is also narrated by An-Nasa'i)
18. From Abu Hurairah ra. Said, "One friend of the Apostle of God through a valley, where there is a small oasis of clear water once. Oase had a chance to make him amazed, then said, 'Oh, if I broke away from humans and live in this place." People were told the matter to the Prophet., He also said:
"Do not do that, the real station of any one of you Fisabilillah (jihad, pent.) It is more important than prayer in his house seventy years. Tidakkkah you want God to forgive you and dump you into heaven? Fight fi sabilillah. Whoever sabilillah fi war on on his camel, obliged him to heaven. " (Narrated by Tirmidhi)
19. From Miqdam bin Ma'dikarib said, the Messenger of Allah. Said,
"A martyr in Allah's get six privileges Allah forgive his sins since the beginning of the journey his jihad, demonstrated his residence in heaven, preserved from the punishment of hell, given the security of the largest shock (the day), put on her head a crown sebiah manikam quality, there he is more better than everything in the world, married to seventy-two angels of heaven, and can intercede for seventy members of his family. " (Narrated by Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah)
20. From Abu Hurairah ra. Said the Prophet. Said,
"Whoever meets Allah (on the Day of Resurrection) with no trace at all of the jihad then he met God while in him there is a rift." (Narrated by Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah)
21. From Anas. Said the Prophet. Said,
"He who pleaded Shahadah honestly, it will be awarded (Shahadah that)." (Narrated by Muslim)
22. Uthman ibn Affan from, the Holy Prophet. Said,
"Whoever did ribath fu sabilillah (vigil in jihad) one night, then (value) as a thousand nights of fasting and prayer." (Narrated by Ibn Majah)
23. Of Abi Darda 'ra. Prophet Praise be to Allaah. Said,
"One war at sea was like ten times of war on land. And the people struggling in the sea (within the framework of jihad) is like a man covered in blood sabilillah fi." (Narrated by Ibn Majah)
is struggling in the sea at this hadith is the person who rocked and swayed the ship (in the framework of jihad). This is a hint about the virtues of war at sea and the necessity of concentrating the people will keep territorial boundaries and strengthen the navy. It could also be analogous to the air then God will multiply the reward for the fighters in the air.
24. From Jabir ibn 'Abdillah said: "When Abdullah bin Amr bin Hizam killed in the battle of Uhud, the Prophet said,' O Jabir, would you tell me about what was spoken to your father?" I (Jabir) said, 'yes'. Prophet. Said, 'It is not God that spoke to a person except from behind a veil, while he spake unto your fathers in the state (your father) jihad. Then God said,' O my servants hope in Me, surely I will give. " He (the servant was) said, 'O my Lord, quicken me, then I killed thy streets for the second time. " He said, 'Now hath already that they will not be returned (to the world again). " He (the servant was) said, 'O my Lord, let the people after me. " So Allah revealed the following verse, 'Think not of those who are slain in Allah's way as dead, that they were living hand to get sustenance from their Lord (Ali Imran: 169). "(Narrated by Ibn Majah)
25. From Anas, from his father ra., Of the Prophet Muhammad. That he said,
"I bring a mujahid fi sabilillah, so I prepare the mount at a time when the morning or afternoon, it's better for me than everything in the world." (Narrated by Ibn Majah)
preparing for here is to help prepare.
26. From Abu Hurairah ra. Said, the Messenger of Allah said,
"Ambassadors of God was third. Warrior, pilgrimage, and people who berumrah." (Narrated by Muslim)
27. From Abu Darda said: Messenger of Allah said,
"A martyr can give syafa'at to seventy members of his family."
28. From Abdullah ibn Umar. Said the Prophet. Said,
"If you are trading with nasi'ah (usury nasi'ah, pent), follow the cows (enslaved property), busy with farming, and left the jihad, Allah will inflict upon you humiliation, the humiliation it would not be uprooted of yourself unless you return to your religion. " (Narrated by Ahmad and Abu Dawud, and attributed to Al-Hakim)
29. From Abu Hurairrah ra. Said, "Messenger of Allah with his companions left for Badr, thus preceding the idolaters. Then came the idolaters. The Prophet said (to the army of the Muslims), 'Bangkutlah you to paradise as wide as heaven and earth." Umair bin Al-Hammam said, 'What makes you say' bukh ... bukh ... '? " Umair replied, 'No O Messenger of Allah, I just want to be included in it. " The Prophet said, 'you're included. " Narrator (Abu Huraira) said, 'Then he pulled out a palm of the shaft as he ate it, then said,' If I live to eat these dates, then it's a long life go round. " So he threw the dates are on his side, then at war, until finally killed. " (Narrated by Muslim)
30. From Abu Imran said, "We are in the city of Rome. The Muslims went out to face them with a comparable amount, even more. Population of Egypt commanded by Uqbah bin Amir, while the pilgrims (the Ansar) led by Fudhalah bin Ubaid. Suddenly one of the soldiers through the ranks of the Muslims entered the Roman army, to be in their midst. The other Muslims who shouted and said, 'He has thrown himself into binasaan. " It was then that Abu Ayyub al-Ansari stood up and said, 'O mankind! So you menta'wilkan verse. Indeed the verses came to our people at the time of God won the Ansar al-Islam and multiply disciples. " At that time some of us whispered to others without the knowledge of Allah's Apostle, 'Behold our treasures have been destroyed and God has won this and increase the followers of Islam. What if we take care of our treasures again and returns that have been destroyed. " So Allah sent down His verses to the Prophet to argue we steam it, 'And be not cast yourselves into destruction ... "(Al-Baqarah: 195) So that meant destruction is taking care and improving economic conditions, while leaving the jihad." Thus Abu Ayyub continued jihad until death and was buried in the Roman state. "(Narrated by Tirmidhi)
Behold, O my brother, when Abu Ayyub said this, he has entered old age, youth has passed. But despite such, spirit, and faith deserves to be a role model for a youth with a strong support of God and the glory of Al-Islam.
31. From Abu Hurairah ra., From the Prophet. That he besabda,
"Whoever dies (in state) has never been to war and not terbesit in his mind the desire to fight, then he dies in a state of hypocrisy." (Narrated by Muslim and Abu Dawud. Hadiths that this hadith to convey the same lot number)
The hadiths about it and the like, and also the hadith about the virtues of war at sea than on land, the war against the People of the Book, as well as the hadiths about the details of the laws of war, was far more than just written in the volumes
. We show you a book, namely Al 'Ibrah Warada ma fi' fi Ghazwi Rasulihi anillahi wa wa; Jihad wal Hijra, by As-Sayyid Hasan Sadiq Khan, a book which is specifically addressed this issue; also Masyari book 'Al-Asywaq ilaa Mashari 'al-Isyaq Mutsirul Gharam wa ila Darisallam. And also in all the books of hadith in the chapter "Al-Jihad", we could see more.

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