Sunday, 14 August 2011

Ramadan For Incubator Politics

We all would have memorized the verse is often quoted by preachers either through the pulpits of mosques, radio, television, newspapers, internet medai accompanied various other propaganda about the purpose of fasting Shari'a. That is the word of Allah in surah Al Baqarah verse 183. "O ye who believe, fasting obligatory upon you as required above those before you, that ye may fear Him"
So how does the actual output character of piety? In this paper, the authors wanted to explain the paradigmatic perspective of socio-political morality. Muttaqin properties (the pious) in verse 183 of Surat al-Baqarah, and then described by the Qur'an in the other parts. Namely Surat Ali Imran verse 134 and 135: (Namely) those who spend (freely), either in time or in adversity, and those who restrain anger and pardon (error) people. Allah loves those who do good [134]. And (also) those who, when working on indecency or wronged themselves, they would remember God, then beg forgiveness of their sins and who can forgive sins except God? And they did not pursue that nasty deed, knowingly. [135]
Traits of character Muttaqin according to two verses of Surat Ali Imran is a generous nature, able to withstand the anger and emotion, forgiveness, repentance and experts able to refrain from immoral to both the Creator and to fellow human beings. If we telisik carefully, from the verse we find that one of the social dimension of fasting means of forging a morality in social relations. In the context of politics, morality is the morality in question between the leaders and people or constituents.
If we look around, with intelligence in every Ramadan, politicians do not want to miss the momentum to launch his political program. They exit through a congratulatory greeting people fast by using the thousand and one kinds of media. Ramadan made special moments to bring yourself and political party flags. In marathon agendas ceremony was held with the preparation of detailed as possible.

This is where we see that in fact in the month of Ramadan, not just the commoners who are happy because in this month's suddenly a lot of generous people, suddenly a lot of contributions, suddenly all became well. Ramadan also turned out to be a special moment for the politicians.
For politicians, Ramadan should also bring a "blessing". Ie for popularity. Construction of imaging into the mainstream agenda of all the series are handled directly by the Barisan Assault Team (Banser) Ramadan, Ramadhan Safari Team, Da'i Ramadan or some form of terminology that is not far from the vocabulary of imagery.
This special team supplied with ammunition, which again contains one or two laksa greeted warmly from the politicians and parpolnya. Ammunition in the form of stickers, baligho, banners, and various schedules imsakiyah and other creations, sometimes more feature photos of politicians and political party logos than the substance of the messages of Ramadan should be accepted by society.
Hardly any open spaces that escaped from the "attack" them. Escalating "attacks" is menasional. From television to leaflets containing imsakiyah schedule. Occurs from Sabang to Merauke. Although the election is still three years away, but we can catch the message that they are an attempt imaging direction ahead of the election.
Become hotter longer in the area in the near future will establish a Regional Head Election. Slogan slogan raised moral and religious smell in accordance with the atmosphere of Ramadan. Therefore, if they were not contributive Ramadan program, then so be exploitative selfishness-style politicians are only reducing the values ​​of the transcendent Ramadan.
The phenomenon is already an open secret in the country that this is always crowded with politics. Began to bloom we are witnessing the democratization since the valves open and release a variety of ways to find public sympathy by political logic is illogical as a voter.
In the perspective of political marketing, of course, is fine as it is part of creativity is quite innovative in the process of political communication a politician or political party. But if the momentum is just talkative-latahan, in the sense of passage demorkasi not contributive in this nation, would be futile. If we see the holy month of Ramadan as sacred, then the great expectation that political activity during the month, became a turning point for structuring the political face of this nation.
Currently political parties and politicians experienced a crisis of confidence from the public, due to the political morality of the more absurd. Various surveys showed weak public confidence in government as a result menyeruaknya scandals that led to the Corruption, Collusion and Nepotism.
From the survey results Indonesian Survey Institute (LSI), the current national level of voter loyalty to political parties is very small, which is 20 percent. By 80 percent the rest are floating masses. This is an instrument of accession of how political parties shunned by the electorate.
Meanwhile, according to House Speaker Maszuki Alie when delivering a public lecture at the State University of Makassar (19 / 7) then, from the survey the level of public confidence in the House of Representatives only 24 percent, with the remaining 76 percent of the public does not believe in the institution representatives.
Ideally, these statistics are constructed awarness (consciousness) to the politicians and political parties to fix the political morality. In conjunction with Ramadan, the openness of society, should be used positively. Among the net at the same time accommodating the aspirations of the community to continue and subsequently fought in both the legislative level for legislators, organized also at the executive level to the political party that holds the reins of government.
Omission of politicians who bear the name of "representatives", more or less contributed to the perception of society towards political representatives. Therefore those who come in this month's constituents should be able to restore confidence so that there was no a priori generelisir attitude to politics. The trick ya by exploiting the momentum this Ramadan as well as possible. In that sense, there must be a result of post-Ramadan is seen by the people.
Once again, Ramadan for politicians is not enough just to put pictures and artificial speech which is very symbolic. Ramadan should be able to be a political incubator. Post-Ramadan, values ​​that have been lost (prematurisme politics), should be able to be presented again. Value sincerity, honesty, sincerity are all united in fasting command. Sure hope we addressed this great, especially for our brothers and sisters of Muslim politicians, to the fore to be a role model in the center of national politics that threaten the degradation model society space and our nationality.

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