In addition, Muslims should know that the burden of this mission can only be borne by those who understand and are willing to give him anything he later claimed by him; good time, health, property, and even blood.
"Say, 'If your fathers, children, brothers, wives, extended family, a treasure that you have acquired, commerce you fear loss, dwellings you love, dearer to you than Allah and His Messenger Him and (of) jihad in His way, then wait until Allah brings about His adzab. Verily Allah does not guide the yang dzalim Kaun. " (At-Tauba: 24)
This propaganda does not recognize dual attitude. He knows only one attitude totality. Who are willing for it, then he must live with the propaganda and proselytizing were fused in him. Conversely, anyone who is weak in carrying this burden, he was blocked from a large reward mujahid and left with the people sitting around. Then Allah. will replace them with other generations and better able to bear the burden of this dalwah. Allah swt. said about them,
"... That being lenient with the believers, mighty against the unbelievers, who strive in the path of Allah, and who is not afraid to censure those who like to denounce. That's the gift of God that he gave to whom." (Al-Maidah: 54)
We invite people to an ideology. Ideology clear, definitive, and axiomatic. An ideology that they all had known him, believe him, and believed in its truth. They also know that that ideology is the path to liberation, happiness, and tranquility in this life. An ideology that has been proven by experience and history will be witnessed by immortality and kelailannya in arranging and welfare of human life.
Basically, both we and the people we both have faith and believe in the ideology. What differentiates us from them is that faith in themselves were sound asleep, and therefore do not have a strong driving force that can make them want to carry out all the consequences of such faith. But on the contrary, that faith was so strong, full of elan vital, and constantly surged in the soul of the Muslim Brotherhood.
There is a strange psychological symptoms among Eastern people-people feel a lot and also we feel-that we often describe our beliefs against an ideology to others, with an expression that sometimes makes them believe that with the belief that we are able to destroy the mountain, sailed the seas, and across the entire distress against us, until it wins with our ideology and we win with him. But when the surge of rhetoric began to recede, suddenly all of us forget and negligent in that ideology. No one is thinking how to realize the ideology of jihad and defend it, even with jihad as weak-weak though. Consciously or unconsciously, inadvertence and negligence were sometimes even encouraged some of us to take action against that ideology. On many occasions we are often created confusion carried over, see a thinker or a humanist, which one day he's being an atheist and then suddenly he could become a very religious.
This inadvertence, forgetfulness, unconsciousness, fragility and keterlelapan long-or whatever the appropriate designation that encourages us to revive the 'ideology' is. Although the actual people we loved it-have long believed and believe in it.
I want to go back to the beginning of the conversation. I want to say that the propaganda of the Muslim Brotherhood is an appeal to an ideology. Now, in the West and East, we witnessed the storm from a variety of ideologies, isms, and the school of thought that raced each other to influence the thoughts and feelings of the audience. With a variety of promotions and yells, although sometimes it seems tacky and over-expose-isms they believed such a package that makes it look attractive and full of charm.
THE caller
The caller isms are now different from the days before this. They are now-especially in Western countries-appear more intellectual, more professional and better trained. Now every ism is supported by the human resource of highly trained and worked at any time to campaign and promote the understanding that he believes. Every time they tried to find various means of socialization and provocation as well as finding the most effective method to influence the masses.
The tools of propaganda at this time was different. Yesterday, propaganda disseminated through speeches, meetings or correspondence. But now the call or propaganda to isms were disseminated through the publication of magazines, newspapers, movies, theater, radio and other media are diverse. Means it has managed to penetrate all the way to reason and hearts of audiences, both men and women, in homes, in shops, in factories, even in their rice fields.
So is wajb for the bearers of this mission to mission (also) to master all these tools so that their propaganda produce satisfactory results.
I'll come back to say that the world is now diharu-blue by various isms. There is a nuanced political, economic, military, nationalism, there on behalf of peace, and so on. Then where is the position of the Muslim Brotherhood in the international community of the various isms that? The answer to that question would take me to discuss two issues. First, about the positive normative framework our mission. Secondly, regarding the attitude we are preaching to the call and the propaganda of these isms.
I hope that you will not be to blame if my words will flow length. Because I had promised myself to write that way when I talk and discuss this theme with style, the style of the discussion light and carefree. With it I just want people to understand me as I was, and so my remarks into their souls intact, not fragmented.
Hear, O my brother!
Our preaching is preaching that can only be described as an integral by the word 'e-Islami'. The word (Islamiyah) has a very broad meaning, not as narrowly conceived by some people. We believe that Islam is a value system that is comprehensive, covering all dimensions of life. He gave instructions for human life in all its aspects, and outline the systemic formulation of accurate about it. He can provide solutions to various problems of vital and the need for various order to raise dignity of human life.
Some people mistakenly understand that Islam is limited to the various rituals of worship that are rohaniyah only. Hence they only confine themselves in a narrow understanding of it. And we do not want to understand Islam in a narrow way. We understand Islam as an integral, including the dimensions of the life of the world and the hereafter. This is not a claim that we made-up. But that's exactly what we understand from the Book of Allah and the results we flashback to earlier generations of Islam. If among the readers there who want to understand the wider Muslim Brotherhood propaganda than what is included in the word 'e-Islami', let them hold the Scriptures of the Qur'an, cleanse herself of the passions and ambitions, then understanding the verses of the Qur ' an as he is. That's where he'll find the charge and the nature of the Muslim Brotherhood propaganda.
Our Da'wah Islamiyah indeed, with all the meanings contained in the word. Understand what you want to understand from that word while referring to the Book of Allah, the Sunna of Allah Rasulllah. and the righteous ones sirah (life path righteous predecessors) of the Muslims. The Book of God is the source of Islam, the Sunnah Prophet. is descriptive of the book, being sirah the Salaf is the applicative example of God's commandments and teachings of Islam.
For us, the various isms that is now rampant, which had been checking perenangkan havoc on the hearts and minds, must be viewed with the perspective of our preaching. What accordance with our mission we will definitely agree as well. And we'll rid yourself of seraua its opposite. We believe that our mission is universal and integral. There is no good side that is on an ism (whatever ism), but he was there also on our mission, and we call on him.
Article and News from Kesatuan Aksi Mahasiswa Muslim Indonesia (KAMMI). KAMMI is the most progressive students' movement in Indonesia.
Wednesday, 17 August 2011
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