1. "It is incumbent upon you to war, but war it is something that you hate. And it could be you hate something, when something is good for you. And it could be (too) ye love a thing, when something is bad for you. God knows you're not knowing. " (Al-Baqarah: 216)
"Kutiba" means "furidha" (required), as stated in the word of God at the same time and use the same sentence structure.
2. "O ye who believe, do not be like those who disbelieve (hypocrites), who told their brethren when they are traveling in the earth or they are at war, 'if they stay with us, certainly they are not will die and not be killed. " Result (of words and their keyajinan) so that, God creates a feeling of remorse in their hearts. God turn on and off. And God saw all that ye do. And what if you fall or die in Allah, surely God's forgiveness and mercy His better for you than they collect the spoils. And if you die or fall, surely to God you are all collected. " (Ali Imran: 156-157)
"Dharabu Ardhi fil" means: out for jihad. "Ghuzzan" means: to fight.
Note the relationship between forgiveness and the grace of God to death in the way of God in paragraph 157. Forgiveness and grace that is absent in the next paragraph, because it is not related to fall and die in Allah's way.
In that paragraph also contained the intent that cowardice is the nature of the pagans, not the nature of the faithful.
3. "Think not of those who are slain in Allah's way as dead, even they are alive with their Lord to get sustenance. They are in an excited state due to the gift of God given to them and they rejoice the hearts of people who still live in behind those who have not followed, that there is no fear come upon them nor will they grieve. " (Ali Imran: 169-170)
Furthermore, also read up to paragraph 175.
4. "Therefore, let those who sell the life of the world with the Hereafter fight in the way of Allah. Those who fight in Allah, then fall and gain the victory, soon shall we give him a great reward." (An-Nisa: 78)
More you can read this letter began verse 71 to verse 78.
Read those verses that you know how God commanded the believers to be vigilant, fighting alongside the army of God, in groups or individually, according to the demands of the situation. Allah denounced those who sit around and not fight, coward, too late, or people who are just using the situation to make profits for itself. God knocked on the conscience of people of faith to protect people who are weak and help those who are oppressed. God stringing between the sword and prayer shiyam, and explained that the war is no different with both the pillars of Islam. God convince those who still doubt and encourage them to plunge into the cauldron of war and death gracefully arena and a surge of courage in the liver. God explained to them that their death will continue to lurk. God explained to them that if they die in a state of jihad in His way, then they will get a better life and God will not waste infaq and their sacrifice.
5. Surat Al-Anfal as a whole is amjuran to war and orders for the brave face. Similarly to the explanation of the various laws relating to the war. Therefore, believers make the initial generation of Surat al-Anfal be humming that is always sung in the middle berkecambuknya war. Suffice to you the word of God,
"And make ready against them whatever force you sanggupi and of horses tethered to war. That way, you vibrate the enemies of Allah and your enemies." (Al-Anfal: 60)
Up to his word,
"Prophesy, kobarkanlah spirit believers to fight. If there are twenty steadfast amongst you, they shall overcome two hundred enemies. And if there are a hundred people are impatient among you, they can defeat a thousand of the unbelievers, infidels because those stamps that do not understand. "(A;-Anfal: 65)
6. Surat At-Tauba is keseluruhanya is a suggestion of war and an explanation of its laws. It is enough for those of you with a word which describes the war against the polytheists of treason. "Fight them, Allah will torture them with your hands and God will humiliate them and help you against them, as well as relief to the hearts of the believers. And eliminate hot hearts of believers. And God accepts the repentance of whom He Allah is Knower, wise. " (At-Tauba: 14-15)
God's Word about the war against the people of the Book,
"Fight those who believe not in Allah and the Last Day and do not forbid what Allah has forbidden and His Messenger and do not accept the religion of right, that is, those who have been given the Bible, until they pay the jizya with willing obedience is they are in a state of submission. " (At-Tauba: 29)
Furthermore, God's calling for a general attack on the next verse paragraph,
"Go ye feel good in a state of mild or feel heavy, and strive with their wealth and yourselves in the way of Allah. That is better for you if ye but knew." (At-Tauba: 41)
Article and News from Kesatuan Aksi Mahasiswa Muslim Indonesia (KAMMI). KAMMI is the most progressive students' movement in Indonesia.
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