Article and News from Kesatuan Aksi Mahasiswa Muslim Indonesia (KAMMI). KAMMI is the most progressive students' movement in Indonesia.
Friday, 19 August 2011
Fiqh I'tikaf
By Language (Lughah):
- الملازم - follow, accompany, familiarize, honor (See Imam ash Syaukani, Fathul Qadir, 1 / 244. Mawqi 'Ruh al-Islam)
يقال عكف على الشيء: إذا لازمه
It says, 'akafa' ala Ash Syai '(He settled on something), meaning he was always with him. (Ibid)
Shaykh Sayyid Sabiq rahimahullah says:
الاعتكاف لزوم الشئ وحبس النفس عليه, خيرا كان أم شرا
I'tikaf is to honor something and shut down, in terms of good or bad. (Fiqhus Sunnah, 1 / 475)
In term (Personality '):
والاعتكاف في الشرع: ملازمة طاعة مخصوصة على شرط مخصوص
In Personality ': settled in order to adhere specifically to the special requirements as well. (Fathl Qadir, 1 / 245)
Shaykh Sayyid Sabiq rahimahullah says:
والمقصود به هنا لزوم المسجد والاقامة فيه بنية التقرب إلى الله عزوجل.
What is meant here is I'tikaf fulfill prayers in mosques and enforce it with the intention of drawing nearer to Allah 'Azza wa Jalla. (Fiqhus Sunnah, 1 / 475)
Legal Basis
- Koran
ولا تباشروهن وأنتم عاكفون في المساجد
Do not you interfere with them (wife), while you're I'tikaf at the mosque. (Surat al-Baqara: 187)
- As Sunnah
Of 'Aisha radiallahu' anha:
أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم كان يعتكف العشر الأواخر من رمضان حتى توفاه الله ثم اعتكف أزواجه من بعده
That the Prophet sallallaahu 'Alaihi wa Sallam retreat in the last 10 days of Ramadan till he diwafatka God, then his wives were I'tikaf after that. (Narrated by Bukhari, No. 2026, No. Muslims. 1171, Abu Daud No. 2462. Ahmad No. 24 613, and others)
From Abu Hurayrah, he said:
كان النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم يعتكف في كل رمضان عشرة أيام فلما كان العام الذي قبض فيه اعتكف عشرين يوما
Formerly the Prophet sallallaahu 'Alaihi wa Sallam I'tikaf in every 10 days of Ramadan, when in the year he died, he I'tikaf 20 days. (Narrated by Bukhari No. 694, No. Ahmad. 8662, Ibn Hibban No. 2228, Al Baghawi No. 839, Abu Ya'la No. 5843, Abu Nu'aim in Akhbar Ashbahan, 2 / 53)
Momentum Broadening Understanding of Religion
KH Mas Mansyur never gave us a good advice: "Let the religious schools of the actual (pure) were spread as wide as possible, tested and compared, so that we understand and ensure that Islam is the most correct, lightweight and useful, to feel good precedence of religious practice it ".
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the momentum |
Advice is then determined to be one of the 12 Steps of Muhammadiyah. Meaning, the Islamic religion does not bind to understand the followers-followers to simply understand the problem in a single religion, both in terms of worship and muamalah duniawiyah. There are various hadith and a variety of approaches in deciding
Wednesday, 17 August 2011
atone for her husband who had died
Assalamu'alikum wr. wb
Ustad sigit blessed God.
I am a new wife left the husband has not reached 40 days, a period of 35 years of our marriage. I feel a lot of sins against my husband in his lifetime. because I feel not take care of him properly, had not apologized at times last, can not be a good wife for him.
What if I am wrong I always remember the good things during his life, and it made me feel even more guilty, if it does not incriminate him in the grave?
What can I do to atone for this guilt, and practice what can I give to him, to atone for my sins against him.
Syukron katsiron.
Wassalamu'alaikum wr, wb.
Ruswarni. Sumenep, Madura
Ustad sigit blessed God.
I am a new wife left the husband has not reached 40 days, a period of 35 years of our marriage. I feel a lot of sins against my husband in his lifetime. because I feel not take care of him properly, had not apologized at times last, can not be a good wife for him.
What if I am wrong I always remember the good things during his life, and it made me feel even more guilty, if it does not incriminate him in the grave?
What can I do to atone for this guilt, and practice what can I give to him, to atone for my sins against him.
Syukron katsiron.
Wassalamu'alaikum wr, wb.
Ruswarni. Sumenep, Madura
Our Mission: dakwah-2
In addition, Muslims should know that the burden of this mission can only be borne by those who understand and are willing to give him anything he later claimed by him; good time, health, property, and even blood.
"Say, 'If your fathers, children, brothers, wives, extended family, a treasure that you have acquired, commerce you fear loss, dwellings you love, dearer to you than Allah and His Messenger Him and (of) jihad in His way, then wait until Allah brings about His adzab. Verily Allah does not guide the yang dzalim Kaun. " (At-Tauba: 24)
This propaganda does not recognize dual attitude. He knows only one attitude totality. Who are willing for it, then he must live with the propaganda and proselytizing were fused in him. Conversely, anyone who is weak in carrying this burden, he was blocked from a large reward mujahid and left with the people sitting around. Then Allah. will replace them with other generations and better able to bear the burden of this dalwah. Allah swt. said about them,
"... That being lenient with the believers, mighty against the unbelievers, who strive in the path of Allah, and who is not afraid to censure those who like to denounce. That's the gift of God that he gave to whom." (Al-Maidah: 54)
We invite people to an ideology. Ideology clear, definitive, and axiomatic. An ideology that they all had known him, believe him, and believed in its truth. They also know that that ideology is the path to liberation, happiness, and tranquility in this life. An ideology that has been proven by experience and history will be witnessed by immortality and kelailannya in arranging and welfare of human life.
Basically, both we and the people we both have faith and believe in the ideology. What differentiates us from them is that faith in themselves were sound asleep, and therefore do not have a strong driving force that can make them want to carry out all the consequences of such faith. But on the contrary, that faith was so strong, full of elan vital, and constantly surged in the soul of the Muslim Brotherhood.
There is a strange psychological symptoms among Eastern people-people feel a lot and also we feel-that we often describe our beliefs against an ideology to others, with an expression that sometimes makes them believe that with the belief that we are able to destroy the mountain, sailed the seas, and across the entire distress against us, until it wins with our ideology and we win with him. But when the surge of rhetoric began to recede, suddenly all of us forget and negligent in that ideology. No one is thinking how to realize the ideology of jihad and defend it, even with jihad as weak-weak though. Consciously or unconsciously, inadvertence and negligence were sometimes even encouraged some of us to take action against that ideology. On many occasions we are often created confusion carried over, see a thinker or a humanist, which one day he's being an atheist and then suddenly he could become a very religious.
This inadvertence, forgetfulness, unconsciousness, fragility and keterlelapan long-or whatever the appropriate designation that encourages us to revive the 'ideology' is. Although the actual people we loved it-have long believed and believe in it.
I want to go back to the beginning of the conversation. I want to say that the propaganda of the Muslim Brotherhood is an appeal to an ideology. Now, in the West and East, we witnessed the storm from a variety of ideologies, isms, and the school of thought that raced each other to influence the thoughts and feelings of the audience. With a variety of promotions and yells, although sometimes it seems tacky and over-expose-isms they believed such a package that makes it look attractive and full of charm.
In addition, Muslims should know that the burden of this mission can only be borne by those who understand and are willing to give him anything he later claimed by him; good time, health, property, and even blood.
"Say, 'If your fathers, children, brothers, wives, extended family, a treasure that you have acquired, commerce you fear loss, dwellings you love, dearer to you than Allah and His Messenger Him and (of) jihad in His way, then wait until Allah brings about His adzab. Verily Allah does not guide the yang dzalim Kaun. " (At-Tauba: 24)
This propaganda does not recognize dual attitude. He knows only one attitude totality. Who are willing for it, then he must live with the propaganda and proselytizing were fused in him. Conversely, anyone who is weak in carrying this burden, he was blocked from a large reward mujahid and left with the people sitting around. Then Allah. will replace them with other generations and better able to bear the burden of this dalwah. Allah swt. said about them,
"... That being lenient with the believers, mighty against the unbelievers, who strive in the path of Allah, and who is not afraid to censure those who like to denounce. That's the gift of God that he gave to whom." (Al-Maidah: 54)
We invite people to an ideology. Ideology clear, definitive, and axiomatic. An ideology that they all had known him, believe him, and believed in its truth. They also know that that ideology is the path to liberation, happiness, and tranquility in this life. An ideology that has been proven by experience and history will be witnessed by immortality and kelailannya in arranging and welfare of human life.
Basically, both we and the people we both have faith and believe in the ideology. What differentiates us from them is that faith in themselves were sound asleep, and therefore do not have a strong driving force that can make them want to carry out all the consequences of such faith. But on the contrary, that faith was so strong, full of elan vital, and constantly surged in the soul of the Muslim Brotherhood.
There is a strange psychological symptoms among Eastern people-people feel a lot and also we feel-that we often describe our beliefs against an ideology to others, with an expression that sometimes makes them believe that with the belief that we are able to destroy the mountain, sailed the seas, and across the entire distress against us, until it wins with our ideology and we win with him. But when the surge of rhetoric began to recede, suddenly all of us forget and negligent in that ideology. No one is thinking how to realize the ideology of jihad and defend it, even with jihad as weak-weak though. Consciously or unconsciously, inadvertence and negligence were sometimes even encouraged some of us to take action against that ideology. On many occasions we are often created confusion carried over, see a thinker or a humanist, which one day he's being an atheist and then suddenly he could become a very religious.
This inadvertence, forgetfulness, unconsciousness, fragility and keterlelapan long-or whatever the appropriate designation that encourages us to revive the 'ideology' is. Although the actual people we loved it-have long believed and believe in it.
I want to go back to the beginning of the conversation. I want to say that the propaganda of the Muslim Brotherhood is an appeal to an ideology. Now, in the West and East, we witnessed the storm from a variety of ideologies, isms, and the school of thought that raced each other to influence the thoughts and feelings of the audience. With a variety of promotions and yells, although sometimes it seems tacky and over-expose-isms they believed such a package that makes it look attractive and full of charm.
Tuesday, 16 August 2011
Qaradawi Fatwa: Zakat To Build Mosque
As for distributing alms to the mosque so that it can be used to glorify the name of God, dhikr to Him, upholding the symbols-symbols of Him, pray, and deliver lessons and advice, this includes the disputed scholars past and present .
Is that so it can be considered as "fi sabilillah" that includes one of the eight targets as dinashkan charity in Al-Karim in the letter quranul At-Tauba:
"Indeed it is only zakat-alms to poor people, poor people, caretaker-administrator of zakat, the Muslim convert who persuaded his heart, to (freeing) of slaves, those who owe, for the path of Allah, and those who is on the way, as a mandatory provision of God, and Allah is Knower, Wise. " (Surat At-Tauba: 60)
Or the word "sabilillah that means limited to the" jihad "Just as understood by jumhur? I have explained this problem in detail in my book Fiqh Az-Zakah, and here I am describing is not the problem anymore.
islam news,
Islam religion,
Our Mission: dakwah-1
We want to come clean to everyone about our goals, our method presented before them, and guide them toward our mission. Here nothing is Samara and dim. Everything is bright. Even brighter than the sun, brighter from dawn light, and more bright than white daylight.
We also want our people, and Muslims are all people we-know that the Muslim Brotherhood missions bring a clean and pure; clean of personal ambition, net of interest of the world, and the net of passions. He passed up the long path of truth that has been outlined Allah. In his words,
"Say, 'this is the path (religion) me, myself and the people who follow me invites (you) to God with a real argument." Glory be to Allah, and I did not include people who are idolaters. " (Yusuf: 108)
We were not expecting anything from man; not expect property or other reward, nor fame, let alone just a thank you. What we hope is the reward from Allah, the One who created us.
How eager we are for this people know that we love them more than ourselves. We were proud when our souls died as a ransom for their honor, if indeed it required ransom. Or be their goal, if indeed it is a price to pay. There is no something that makes us behave like this except the love that has a blue-confuse our hearts, our feelings conquer, squeeze the water out of our eyes, and pull out a sense of wanting to sleep from our eyelids. How heavy feeling in the hearts when we saw the disaster that tore apart this people, while we are only able to give in to humiliation and resignation by the hopelessness.
Really, we do in the way of Allah for the benefit of all mankind, more than what we do for our self-interest. We are yours, O beloved brethren. Moment we will never be your enemy.
Suppose we did this is a virtue, then we did not consider it our self primacy. We only believe in the word of Allah.,
"Actually God, He Who bestows favors with leadeth unto ye in the faith, if ye are truthful." (Al-Hujurat: 17)
We often dreaming dreams presupposes that beneficial-that someday expose our hearts content before this vision and hearing people. We just want them to see themselves: Is there something in the heart of this other than a sincere love, a sense of deep love, and sincerity of work in order to bring benefits and good for them? Is there something in my heart than pain and tenderness over the calamities that befall them?
But however, sufficient for our conviction that God Almighty. know it all. Only He who bore us with His guidance in our steps. In the hands of Him are all the keys and control the human heart. Who is he led astray then nobody will be able to guide him, and whom he guided then no one will be misleading. Suffice it to him for us. He is the best to depend on. Is not Allah sufficient only lack his servant?
Monday, 15 August 2011
Pearls of Ramadan: "woo Angel"
Mentioned in a Hadith, "Verily, Heaven adorned and embellished over the years, due to the entry of Ramadan, and the angel said, 'O Lord, and teach for us in this pair of slave-servant who can please us and they become happy because of the presence us'. "
Others mentioned in the hadith, "Verily, the angels on the moon ramadan exclaimed: 'Is there a God that overlooks the suitor to marry us?". "
Mahar angels are praying tahajjud length, so it can be obtained on Ramadan month, surpassing the other months.
In a story told, there was a righteous and very much tahajjud prayer and fasting, one night he prayed dimasjid and fell asleep. In his sleep he dreamed that he saw the group knew it was not a group of human kind.
They bring white bread to clean as snow, above the loaves were about diamonds such as pomegranate, the group then said, "Eat!".
Righteous replied, "Actually I want to fast".
They then said, "Voters are instructed unto the house to eat".
Then answered, "Then I will eat it and take the diamond for I brought".
We have mentioned a few verses and hadiths about the virtues of jihad. Now I want nukilkan for most of what is said by the jurists of the clerical schools of up to contemporary scholars, about the laws of jihad and the obligation to prepare. All this is so that you know how far the Muslims have wasted their religious law on jihad that has been agreed upon by all Muslims in every age. Consider the following.
1. Anhar fi author Majm'ul Syarhi Multaqal Abrar menetepkan laws of jihad in the Hanafi school, saying, "Jihad, in the sense of language-is the mobilization of all potentials by word and action. Meanwhile, according to Shari'a, it means fighting the unbelievers and the like, to hit him, seizing his property, destroying places of worship, and destroy the idols. It is desired in an attempt to establish religion by combating ahlil harb and ahluzh zhimmah if they cancel appointments, and fight the apostasy which is the dirty-dirty infidels, to decide after set. besides that, also fighting the wicked people. "Starting from us" is fard kifaya. That is, mandatory for us to start after arrival in their fight against proselytizing even after arrival in their fight against proselytizing though they are not fighting us. The priest must sends troops into dar ul harb every year once (or twice) and the community must help him. If some of them have been fulfilled, then the others fall obligations. If the majority is still not sufficient, then it is obligatory for most of the nearest and next nearest. If it is not possible with sufficient unless the entire community, so when he becomes fard 'ayn as prayer. The law fardhunya, God Almighty. said,. "Then fight the polytheists." Also the word of the Prophet. "Jihad is the ruling remain until doomsday. "Therefore, if all left, all sinned. Until his saying," So when the enemy can conquer one of the lands of Islam, or part of its territory, be it fardu'ain, except for women and slaves without the permission of her husband and employer . Also an exception for the child until he was allowed by his parents and people in debt to obtain permission from the person gave him debt. "
In the book Al-Bahr stated, "A Muslim woman in captivity in eastern mandatory for those people that in the west to release it, as long as he was not in the enemy fortress."
2. Salik said author Bulghatus Liaqrabil Masalik fi Mazhabil Imam Malik, "Jihad in Allah's way to exalt His sentences every year is a fard kifaya; if it has been partially fulfilled, then the others fall obligations. It becomes fard 'ayn (as is the necessity of prayer and fasting) with the determination of the Imam and attack the enemy in the middle. He was assigned (mandatory) for people and then to the closest if not able to deal with. In this set also for women and slaves, although not permitted by their husbands and employers, as well although the debts imposed on the owner abducted by penghutangnya. He set also because naszar. Parents may only hinder their children in fard kifaya. Liberation of Muslim prisoners from the hands of Ahl-ul-harb, if he does not own property as ransom, is fard kifaya, although-as Redeemer- must spend the entire property of the Muslims. "
Sunday, 14 August 2011
Ramadan For Incubator Politics
We all would have memorized the verse is often quoted by preachers either through the pulpits of mosques, radio, television, newspapers, internet medai accompanied various other propaganda about the purpose of fasting Shari'a. That is the word of Allah in surah Al Baqarah verse 183. "O ye who believe, fasting obligatory upon you as required above those before you, that ye may fear Him"
So how does the actual output character of piety? In this paper, the authors wanted to explain the paradigmatic perspective of socio-political morality. Muttaqin properties (the pious) in verse 183 of Surat al-Baqarah, and then described by the Qur'an in the other parts. Namely Surat Ali Imran verse 134 and 135: (Namely) those who spend (freely), either in time or in adversity, and those who restrain anger and pardon (error) people. Allah loves those who do good [134]. And (also) those who, when working on indecency or wronged themselves, they would remember God, then beg forgiveness of their sins and who can forgive sins except God? And they did not pursue that nasty deed, knowingly. [135]
Traits of character Muttaqin according to two verses of Surat Ali Imran is a generous nature, able to withstand the anger and emotion, forgiveness, repentance and experts able to refrain from immoral to both the Creator and to fellow human beings. If we telisik carefully, from the verse we find that one of the social dimension of fasting means of forging a morality in social relations. In the context of politics, morality is the morality in question between the leaders and people or constituents.
If we look around, with intelligence in every Ramadan, politicians do not want to miss the momentum to launch his political program. They exit through a congratulatory greeting people fast by using the thousand and one kinds of media. Ramadan made special moments to bring yourself and political party flags. In marathon agendas ceremony was held with the preparation of detailed as possible.
So how does the actual output character of piety? In this paper, the authors wanted to explain the paradigmatic perspective of socio-political morality. Muttaqin properties (the pious) in verse 183 of Surat al-Baqarah, and then described by the Qur'an in the other parts. Namely Surat Ali Imran verse 134 and 135: (Namely) those who spend (freely), either in time or in adversity, and those who restrain anger and pardon (error) people. Allah loves those who do good [134]. And (also) those who, when working on indecency or wronged themselves, they would remember God, then beg forgiveness of their sins and who can forgive sins except God? And they did not pursue that nasty deed, knowingly. [135]
Traits of character Muttaqin according to two verses of Surat Ali Imran is a generous nature, able to withstand the anger and emotion, forgiveness, repentance and experts able to refrain from immoral to both the Creator and to fellow human beings. If we telisik carefully, from the verse we find that one of the social dimension of fasting means of forging a morality in social relations. In the context of politics, morality is the morality in question between the leaders and people or constituents.
If we look around, with intelligence in every Ramadan, politicians do not want to miss the momentum to launch his political program. They exit through a congratulatory greeting people fast by using the thousand and one kinds of media. Ramadan made special moments to bring yourself and political party flags. In marathon agendas ceremony was held with the preparation of detailed as possible.
Message of JIHAD 3
Then God explained the bad attitude of those cowards who do not strive in the way of Allah and do not get the glory of jihad in his path for ever.
"The people who left (not present) was delighted with their stay behind the Messenger of Allah, and they do not like to fight jihad with their wealth and their souls in the way of Allah and said, 'Do not go to war in the heat." Say,' Fire blasted hotter '. if only they knew. So hendakah themselves laughing and crying a lot, as a reward for what they were doing. So if God is to return you to a group of them, then they asked for permission to you to go to war, then say, 'you must not come out with me forever and can not fight the enemy with me. Ye have been willing to not fight in the first stage because of it, sit down with people who are noncombatants. " (At-Tauba: 81-83)
Then Allah describes the attitude of the Mujahideen under the leadership of the Prophet. And the explanation that these are sacred duties and the way his companions, through His Word,
"However, the Prophet and the believers who strive with him with their wealth and their souls good and they're the lucky ones. God has provided for them there is a paradise beneath which rivers flow, to dwell therein. That is the large. " (At-Tauba: 88-89)
Then "selling" completely, that does not tolerate more excuses from people who like reason,
"Verily Allah has purchased of the believers, themselves and their property by providing haven for them. They fight in Allah, then they kill or be killed. (Has become) the true promise of God in the Torah, the Gospel, and Al-Quran. And who better to keep her promise but God? then rejoice in the bargain which ye have done it, and that's a great victory. " (At-Tauba: 111)
"The people who left (not present) was delighted with their stay behind the Messenger of Allah, and they do not like to fight jihad with their wealth and their souls in the way of Allah and said, 'Do not go to war in the heat." Say,' Fire blasted hotter '. if only they knew. So hendakah themselves laughing and crying a lot, as a reward for what they were doing. So if God is to return you to a group of them, then they asked for permission to you to go to war, then say, 'you must not come out with me forever and can not fight the enemy with me. Ye have been willing to not fight in the first stage because of it, sit down with people who are noncombatants. " (At-Tauba: 81-83)
Then Allah describes the attitude of the Mujahideen under the leadership of the Prophet. And the explanation that these are sacred duties and the way his companions, through His Word,
"However, the Prophet and the believers who strive with him with their wealth and their souls good and they're the lucky ones. God has provided for them there is a paradise beneath which rivers flow, to dwell therein. That is the large. " (At-Tauba: 88-89)
Then "selling" completely, that does not tolerate more excuses from people who like reason,
"Verily Allah has purchased of the believers, themselves and their property by providing haven for them. They fight in Allah, then they kill or be killed. (Has become) the true promise of God in the Torah, the Gospel, and Al-Quran. And who better to keep her promise but God? then rejoice in the bargain which ye have done it, and that's a great victory. " (At-Tauba: 111)
islam news,
Islam religion,
Saturday, 13 August 2011
Message of JIHAD 2
1. "It is incumbent upon you to war, but war it is something that you hate. And it could be you hate something, when something is good for you. And it could be (too) ye love a thing, when something is bad for you. God knows you're not knowing. " (Al-Baqarah: 216)
"Kutiba" means "furidha" (required), as stated in the word of God at the same time and use the same sentence structure.
2. "O ye who believe, do not be like those who disbelieve (hypocrites), who told their brethren when they are traveling in the earth or they are at war, 'if they stay with us, certainly they are not will die and not be killed. " Result (of words and their keyajinan) so that, God creates a feeling of remorse in their hearts. God turn on and off. And God saw all that ye do. And what if you fall or die in Allah, surely God's forgiveness and mercy His better for you than they collect the spoils. And if you die or fall, surely to God you are all collected. " (Ali Imran: 156-157)
"Dharabu Ardhi fil" means: out for jihad. "Ghuzzan" means: to fight.
Note the relationship between forgiveness and the grace of God to death in the way of God in paragraph 157. Forgiveness and grace that is absent in the next paragraph, because it is not related to fall and die in Allah's way.
In that paragraph also contained the intent that cowardice is the nature of the pagans, not the nature of the faithful.
3. "Think not of those who are slain in Allah's way as dead, even they are alive with their Lord to get sustenance. They are in an excited state due to the gift of God given to them and they rejoice the hearts of people who still live in behind those who have not followed, that there is no fear come upon them nor will they grieve. " (Ali Imran: 169-170)
Furthermore, also read up to paragraph 175.
4. "Therefore, let those who sell the life of the world with the Hereafter fight in the way of Allah. Those who fight in Allah, then fall and gain the victory, soon shall we give him a great reward." (An-Nisa: 78)
More you can read this letter began verse 71 to verse 78.
Read those verses that you know how God commanded the believers to be vigilant, fighting alongside the army of God, in groups or individually, according to the demands of the situation. Allah denounced those who sit around and not fight, coward, too late, or people who are just using the situation to make profits for itself. God knocked on the conscience of people of faith to protect people who are weak and help those who are oppressed. God stringing between the sword and prayer shiyam, and explained that the war is no different with both the pillars of Islam. God convince those who still doubt and encourage them to plunge into the cauldron of war and death gracefully arena and a surge of courage in the liver. God explained to them that their death will continue to lurk. God explained to them that if they die in a state of jihad in His way, then they will get a better life and God will not waste infaq and their sacrifice.
5. Surat Al-Anfal as a whole is amjuran to war and orders for the brave face. Similarly to the explanation of the various laws relating to the war. Therefore, believers make the initial generation of Surat al-Anfal be humming that is always sung in the middle berkecambuknya war. Suffice to you the word of God,
"And make ready against them whatever force you sanggupi and of horses tethered to war. That way, you vibrate the enemies of Allah and your enemies." (Al-Anfal: 60)
Up to his word,
"Prophesy, kobarkanlah spirit believers to fight. If there are twenty steadfast amongst you, they shall overcome two hundred enemies. And if there are a hundred people are impatient among you, they can defeat a thousand of the unbelievers, infidels because those stamps that do not understand. "(A;-Anfal: 65)
6. Surat At-Tauba is keseluruhanya is a suggestion of war and an explanation of its laws. It is enough for those of you with a word which describes the war against the polytheists of treason. "Fight them, Allah will torture them with your hands and God will humiliate them and help you against them, as well as relief to the hearts of the believers. And eliminate hot hearts of believers. And God accepts the repentance of whom He Allah is Knower, wise. " (At-Tauba: 14-15)
God's Word about the war against the people of the Book,
"Fight those who believe not in Allah and the Last Day and do not forbid what Allah has forbidden and His Messenger and do not accept the religion of right, that is, those who have been given the Bible, until they pay the jizya with willing obedience is they are in a state of submission. " (At-Tauba: 29)
Furthermore, God's calling for a general attack on the next verse paragraph,
"Go ye feel good in a state of mild or feel heavy, and strive with their wealth and yourselves in the way of Allah. That is better for you if ye but knew." (At-Tauba: 41)
1. "It is incumbent upon you to war, but war it is something that you hate. And it could be you hate something, when something is good for you. And it could be (too) ye love a thing, when something is bad for you. God knows you're not knowing. " (Al-Baqarah: 216)
"Kutiba" means "furidha" (required), as stated in the word of God at the same time and use the same sentence structure.
2. "O ye who believe, do not be like those who disbelieve (hypocrites), who told their brethren when they are traveling in the earth or they are at war, 'if they stay with us, certainly they are not will die and not be killed. " Result (of words and their keyajinan) so that, God creates a feeling of remorse in their hearts. God turn on and off. And God saw all that ye do. And what if you fall or die in Allah, surely God's forgiveness and mercy His better for you than they collect the spoils. And if you die or fall, surely to God you are all collected. " (Ali Imran: 156-157)
"Dharabu Ardhi fil" means: out for jihad. "Ghuzzan" means: to fight.
Note the relationship between forgiveness and the grace of God to death in the way of God in paragraph 157. Forgiveness and grace that is absent in the next paragraph, because it is not related to fall and die in Allah's way.
In that paragraph also contained the intent that cowardice is the nature of the pagans, not the nature of the faithful.
3. "Think not of those who are slain in Allah's way as dead, even they are alive with their Lord to get sustenance. They are in an excited state due to the gift of God given to them and they rejoice the hearts of people who still live in behind those who have not followed, that there is no fear come upon them nor will they grieve. " (Ali Imran: 169-170)
Furthermore, also read up to paragraph 175.
4. "Therefore, let those who sell the life of the world with the Hereafter fight in the way of Allah. Those who fight in Allah, then fall and gain the victory, soon shall we give him a great reward." (An-Nisa: 78)
More you can read this letter began verse 71 to verse 78.
Read those verses that you know how God commanded the believers to be vigilant, fighting alongside the army of God, in groups or individually, according to the demands of the situation. Allah denounced those who sit around and not fight, coward, too late, or people who are just using the situation to make profits for itself. God knocked on the conscience of people of faith to protect people who are weak and help those who are oppressed. God stringing between the sword and prayer shiyam, and explained that the war is no different with both the pillars of Islam. God convince those who still doubt and encourage them to plunge into the cauldron of war and death gracefully arena and a surge of courage in the liver. God explained to them that their death will continue to lurk. God explained to them that if they die in a state of jihad in His way, then they will get a better life and God will not waste infaq and their sacrifice.
5. Surat Al-Anfal as a whole is amjuran to war and orders for the brave face. Similarly to the explanation of the various laws relating to the war. Therefore, believers make the initial generation of Surat al-Anfal be humming that is always sung in the middle berkecambuknya war. Suffice to you the word of God,
"And make ready against them whatever force you sanggupi and of horses tethered to war. That way, you vibrate the enemies of Allah and your enemies." (Al-Anfal: 60)
Up to his word,
"Prophesy, kobarkanlah spirit believers to fight. If there are twenty steadfast amongst you, they shall overcome two hundred enemies. And if there are a hundred people are impatient among you, they can defeat a thousand of the unbelievers, infidels because those stamps that do not understand. "(A;-Anfal: 65)
6. Surat At-Tauba is keseluruhanya is a suggestion of war and an explanation of its laws. It is enough for those of you with a word which describes the war against the polytheists of treason. "Fight them, Allah will torture them with your hands and God will humiliate them and help you against them, as well as relief to the hearts of the believers. And eliminate hot hearts of believers. And God accepts the repentance of whom He Allah is Knower, wise. " (At-Tauba: 14-15)
God's Word about the war against the people of the Book,
"Fight those who believe not in Allah and the Last Day and do not forbid what Allah has forbidden and His Messenger and do not accept the religion of right, that is, those who have been given the Bible, until they pay the jizya with willing obedience is they are in a state of submission. " (At-Tauba: 29)
Furthermore, God's calling for a general attack on the next verse paragraph,
"Go ye feel good in a state of mild or feel heavy, and strive with their wealth and yourselves in the way of Allah. That is better for you if ye but knew." (At-Tauba: 41)
Moving on from here, actually a lot of your obligations, you are a big responsibility, compounded the rights of the people you have to exert, and the heavier the mandate terpikul on your shoulders. You have to think long, many charitable, wise in determining the attitude, advanced to become the savior, and you should be able to fulfill the rights of these people perfectly.
There among the youth who grew up in a situation of a cold and quiet, where the government has been firmly entrenched power and wealth has been felt by its citizens. So the young man who grew up in the atmosphere is more focused activities to himself than to his people. So he tends to fool around and berhura-rah because meresa calm his soul and his heart relieved.
There is also the nation's youth to grow in an atmosphere of harsh and turbulent, in which the nation was being overrun by his opponent and in all affairs enslaved by his enemies. The nation struggled all he could to restore the rights taken, occupied homeland, and freedom, the glory, great sarta values are missing. It was then that the fundamental obligation for the youth who grew up in a situation like this is doing to his people more than doing for themselves. If he did it, he will be lucky to get good quickly on the field of victory and the goodness-of-pending form of reward from Allah.
There among the youth who grew up in a situation of a cold and quiet, where the government has been firmly entrenched power and wealth has been felt by its citizens. So the young man who grew up in the atmosphere is more focused activities to himself than to his people. So he tends to fool around and berhura-rah because meresa calm his soul and his heart relieved.
There is also the nation's youth to grow in an atmosphere of harsh and turbulent, in which the nation was being overrun by his opponent and in all affairs enslaved by his enemies. The nation struggled all he could to restore the rights taken, occupied homeland, and freedom, the glory, great sarta values are missing. It was then that the fundamental obligation for the youth who grew up in a situation like this is doing to his people more than doing for themselves. If he did it, he will be lucky to get good quickly on the field of victory and the goodness-of-pending form of reward from Allah.
Friday, 12 August 2011
The following is a letter written by Imam Shahid Hasan al-Banna (Murshid 'Am Brotherhood) in the month of Rajab 1366 11. This letter was addressed to King Faruq I (king of Egypt and Sudan), and Mustafa an-Nahhas (Basya) Prime Minister. In addition, also addressed to kings and rulers various countries in the Islamic world and society figures.
Here's the letter. We print it back to be presented to the reader, since in it contained many ideas and valuable guidance from him, which is in line with the ideals of all Arabs and Muslims. We ask God to deign to realize these ideals.
Cairo, Rajab 1336 H.
Yth. ...............
Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
Praise be to Allah, prayers and greetings may remain terlimpahkan to our master Muhammad, the family, and his companions.
Amma ba'du,
We dedicate this letter to the presence of the noble Lord, with the desire to participate gives guidance to the faithful, that their affairs have been God Almighty. charge to your shoulders in this day and age. A guidance that would be able to drive people over the best of roads. A road built by the best of living systems, a clean and away from the confusion of uncertainty, more than that, it is a way of life that has been tested by a long history.
We do not expect anything from you. Suffice it to him means that we have been fulfilling their obligations and to present to you an advice. It was the reward of God, he's a better and more lasting.
The following is a letter written by Imam Shahid Hasan al-Banna (Murshid 'Am Brotherhood) in the month of Rajab 1366 11. This letter was addressed to King Faruq I (king of Egypt and Sudan), and Mustafa an-Nahhas (Basya) Prime Minister. In addition, also addressed to kings and rulers various countries in the Islamic world and society figures.
Here's the letter. We print it back to be presented to the reader, since in it contained many ideas and valuable guidance from him, which is in line with the ideals of all Arabs and Muslims. We ask God to deign to realize these ideals.
Cairo, Rajab 1336 H.
Yth. ...............
Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
Praise be to Allah, prayers and greetings may remain terlimpahkan to our master Muhammad, the family, and his companions.
Amma ba'du,
We dedicate this letter to the presence of the noble Lord, with the desire to participate gives guidance to the faithful, that their affairs have been God Almighty. charge to your shoulders in this day and age. A guidance that would be able to drive people over the best of roads. A road built by the best of living systems, a clean and away from the confusion of uncertainty, more than that, it is a way of life that has been tested by a long history.
We do not expect anything from you. Suffice it to him means that we have been fulfilling their obligations and to present to you an advice. It was the reward of God, he's a better and more lasting.
Message of JIHAD 1
Message of JIHAD
Praise be to Allah, Rab worlds. May the blessings on the Prophet Muhammad tercurahkan, the prince of the mujahideen and their faith those who fear Him, and his family, friends, and all who defend Sharia to the end then.
Praise be to Allah, Rab worlds. May the blessings on the Prophet Muhammad tercurahkan, the prince of the mujahideen and their faith those who fear Him, and his family, friends, and all who defend Sharia to the end then.
Thursday, 11 August 2011
Love Letter to cadres KAMMI STT Telkom
My brothers,What we do currently on mission are not the worst when compared to the sacrifices that have been acted by our predecessors. What a wonderful message history of Umar bin Abdul Aziz, but also how beautifully the history of the sacrifice of many friends who have lots of members to Islam. Even if that history will repeat itself, then the expectation is that we become pelanjutnya magnitude. One time I ever thought. I contemplated bagaaimana our predecessors who have sacrificed so much so that we enjoy like Indonesia today. On the basis of whether they do it all? Why are they so willing to sacrifice power, ideas and time for Indonesia? I do not know what the answer should be submitted to represent their reasons 'why' do it all.My brothers,It turned out that in reality, it will continue to repeat history. Although his time is different, but sometimes it's momentum will continue to repeat history. His theory is who is sacrificing, doing 'deeds, struggle, then they will find a' momentum 'historicity. Merits obtained by anyone who obtained good, it all will only be obtained because of the involvement of their selves with the 'momentum' goodness. I want to say is that anyone who wants a lot of goodness, then do so much good as much goodness to be achieved. That is, only the good momentum we will get when we are involved to pick up momentum-momentum. To that end, our current work is to create momentum with melaukan virtues as our predecessors of his time setting.My brothers,Congratulations to work and work! People and the nation waited for an intelligent human beings; which has the power authority, the authority of the intellectual, moral and political. Because of the way that we will be able to push the changes quickly. From here also indicate that the work of forward movement must be passed by two 'forces', namely: progressivity and agility.Progressivity is the speed of working, moving, innovating, creativity and others.While agility leads to accuracy in implementing the agenda or deeds progression.My brothers,Finish what we started, because the hero will only stop when he bertemua with doom-death!
Bandung: Saturday, December 8, 2007 (Time 21:50 to 22:05 GMT)
Bandung: Saturday, December 8, 2007 (Time 21:50 to 22:05 GMT)
Bismillahirrahmanirrrahim"Say, 'Actually I wanted to warn you one thing, that you turn to God (sincerely) in twos or singly, and then you think (of Muhammad) there is no disease at all mad at your friend. He is none other warner to you before (against) adzab that hard. "Say, 'Wages whatever I ask, then it is for you. My reward is from God. And He is Knower of all things. " Say, 'My Lord revealed the truth. He is Knower of all unseen. " Say. "Truth has come and falsehood will not start nor will repeat. 'Say,' If I go astray so I err on The real harm myself, and if I get a clue, then it is because what is revealed to me my Lord! . Verily He heareth Mahadekat. "(Saba ': 46-50)O youth!I pray praise to God's presence, that there is no god but He. Hopefully sholawat and greetings remain devoted to Muhammad, Imam of the reformers and the prince of the mujahideen; families, friends, and the tabi'in.O youth!Indeed, one thought it would be successfully realized when a strong sense of confidence to him, sincere in its fight on the course, the more zealous in make it happen, and readiness for sacrifice in charity and make it happen. Looks like these four pillars, namely faith, sincerity, zeal, charity is the character attached to the youth, because the real basis of faith it is conscience that light, the basis of sincerity is a pious heart, the basic spirit is a feeling that surge, and the charitable foundation is a strong will. That's all there is no exception to the youth themselves.Therefore, since the past until now the youth are the pillars of the resurrection. In every revival, youth is a secret of his strength. In each fikrah, youth are raisers banners.
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